SIIFIC Wellness Fund Raises ¥500 Million from Higo Bank bringing total fund size to over ¥3.5 Billion
SIIFIC 肥後銀行の出資を受けファンド規模が35億円を突破
SIIFIC Featured by Nikkei Biotech ONLINE
日経バイオテク に掲載されました
J Pharma Featured by Nikkei Biotech ONLINE
J Pharma Receives Prestigious AMED Grant
2024年6月11日 UNIDO主催のウクライナ女性起業家向け研修プログラムに登壇
Signing the Impact Principles: Part 2 “Disclosure Statement” and “Independent Verification”
Signing the Impact Principles: Part 1 Conditions and Benefits

Purposeful Capital for Powerful Change
〜 Creating real value beyond real returns 〜

SIIF Impact Capital
All clear eyes.
To the same view
When we look forward
I and the earth
We are moving forward
To the same view
When we look forward
I and the earth
We are moving forward